KENTER Café Bonjour – Pure Instant Coffee.

Coffee drinking has been proven to be healthy in moderation according to studies- 2015 USDA dietary Guidelines and 2017 British Medical Journal.

The rich intense aroma of Kenter Café Bonjour instant coffee will awaken your senses and taste buds and engage your attention instantly. Coffee brings friends and loved ones together; so why not share that joy with a cup of Kenter Café Bonjour.

Kenter café bonjour comes in Original and Gold. 

Kenter Café Bonjour Gold- is the premium brand. It is much smoother and has a bitter free taste, cause of the manner the coffee is roasted. Gold coffee is lightly roasted, delicious and still gives you the “coffee kick” you need to boost your energy level. Kenter Café Bonjour Gold is also low in acidity and is more gentler on the stomach without compromising on that amazing smooth taste.

Kenter Café Bonjour Original and Gold comes in 50g, 100g and 200g: convenient for any coffee lovers need and it is available in major supermarkets outlets.